Friday, May 13, 2016

Documentary Reflection

I made a small documentary about nostalgia. It was a slightly stressful experience, as I had a shortened timeline due to my own inability to properly adhere to the schedule we were given. Not to mention at the start of the project, I'd already had a few other large projects for other classes or for personal matters that I needed to deal with. But I got it done and I'm satisfied with the result. Or about as satisfied as I could be. After reviewing the documentaries made by two of my classmates, I was inspired to use more motion in my own, rather than static images. A lot of the images I found for my documentary had to be resized so they would fit properly, but otherwise, there weren't too many major challenges that presented themselves in the production of my documentary. If I hd to do it again, I would definitely try to stick to a proper timeline better to give myself more time to get the project done the way I wanted. I would also spend more time proofreading my script because I feel I kind of rushed the end and it doesn't really make sense, but I didn't have the time to go back and change it. I was satisfied with it at the time of recording, but i really should have strived to make it better, more coherent. I also would have liked to give myself time to look into sound-editing techniques, as I am very insecure of my own voice. But otherwise, I made a product that I'm satisfied with, and that's all that mattered.

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