My persistence throughout the project: I feel I was able to stay focused on my project and work through my problems and challenges carefully, but I didn't run into too many problems.
- Modeling - I feel I modeled my ship pretty accurate to my drawings.
- Texturing - I separated my ship into three different materials and textures: the actual ship, the window to the cockpit, and the engines/turbines. I used the "Magic" texture on my ship, which I think gave it a cool look, like it has a cloaking device or something.
- World Settings - I didn't make space dust, planets, meteors, etc. I think if I had, it would've taken away from the ship. Also, I made the actual space a dark blue color instead of black because if I had made it black, the ship probably wouldn't have been visible, given that I made it a dark gray color.
- Lighting - I used mostly spotlights to light the scene, which worked pretty well for me, but there was one spot near the back of the ship that I just couldn't seem to light. I probably could've lit it with a point light.
- Camera Placement - I feel making 7 pictures instead of the required 5 gives a better variety of camera placement. I tried to follow Blender's "Golden Rule" camera setting as closely as I could.